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SEO for Landscaping Companies

Today, most landscapers are depending on newer technologies to market their landscaping business. The Internet is now a top choice to promote landscaping services by generating new leads. As a landscaper, are you doing the same thing?

If you need to get more returns from your landscaping company website and attract more clients from the local market, then you should think about SEO for landscaping to get you to rank first in local search engine results.

Our affordable and professional SEO services for landscapers can assist you outdo your rivals on Google and other search engine results. This will let you put more focus on your landscaping services.

If you want to find out how you can do better than your competing landscapers in SEO, call us through 1300 783 202 or fill the form on our website and get a free and instant SEO analysis and evaluation of your site.

how we help businesses

We’ll help you get your website on to the first page of Google and put you in front of more customers on the Internet.

Website Audit

We will perform a full website audit of your site to help diagnose weak areas and highlight strengths. This first look at your site’s successes and weaknesses will then help direct our strategy and priorities moving forward.

Competitor Analysis/Research

We will do thorough competitor analysis/research of your most successful competitors to see what strategies we need to use to help your site match and outrun theirs.

Link Building

Your website needs links strategically placed throughout the Internet that send consumers back to your site. This indicates authority and relevance to search engines and puts you at the top of relevant searches.

We will develop a link building strategy to ensure that your site has quality, valuable links from other quality sites linking back to it.

Site Optimization

More website traffic won’t matter for your business if your website is complicated, slow, and difficult to navigate.

That is why a part of our services are to ensure that your website is organized, easy to navigate, and creates an optimized user-end experience.

Worry-Free Contracts

Month-to-month contracts. We do not lock you into long-term contracts.

If you’re paying for results and a company doesn’t deliver,  why should you be forced to stick around?

Keyword Research

We identify what keywords and phrases your ideal customers use to search for your services and products, and then develop an SEO strategy to incorporate them into your website content, blogs, social media, videos, etc.

Content Marketing

We will develop a solid content marketing strategy to help your business start producing regular fresh, well-written content online.

Quality content is what will impress readers, driving more shares and links to your content, which will increase your website’s authority and put you on search engines’ radar as a top site for your industry.

Local SEO

We understand that for most brick and mortar stores, the goal of a website is to attract online traffic that will lead to local customers showing up at your store.

As such, we know how to hone in on SEO strategies that draw relevant, local traffic by improving and adding your business to local online listings, creating profiles and reporting on customer review sites, and getting your site to show up on directories and maps.

Regular Reporting 

We understand that paying professionals for a service can feel like a risk, especially if there is not tangible evidence of the benefit of the service.

That is why at Hari Menon Digital, we provide regular, in-depth reports to show you what we’ve done and the tangible results in site visits, clicks, conversions and more.

Is SEO for Landscapers Necessary in Australia?

Simply visit Google and make a search of “{your city}, {state} landscaper” and check the results. If you cannot trace your website on the search results, you should be worried.

You might be losing thousands of prospective clients and only waiting for phone calls while your business rivals are off working on yards of business and homes of your potential clients.

If you own a landscaping firm, it is crucial to rank higher than your competitors. As a landscaper, it is crucial to integrate SEO in your landscape marketing strategy. Maximizing on SEO will assist you in generating more business from the Internet.

woman checking google analytics seo report for landscaping client

SEO Services Customized for Landscaping Firms in Australia


Today, consumers are relying heavily on the Internet to look for landscapers serving their area whenever they need help with their patio, garden or yard.

This trend is marginalizing other forms of advertising and marketing such as direct mailers, billboards, newspaper ads and Yellow Pages.

Ranking first on local listings can assist your business to be found easily on popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. We offer SEO services specially customized for landscaping businesses in Australia who want to improve their Internet marketing strategies.

Our SEO strategy relies on the latest SEO trends, past experiences in providing SEO services to other landscapers and accurate data. This way, we are able to deliver effective and reliable online marketing and SEO campaigns suitable for your landscaping company.

online social media marketing for landscapers

Landscape Designers SEO with Proven Results


At Hari Menon Digital, we have served many professional landscapers for many years and we have successfully transformed their businesses.

But how does our company do it? We give you proven results by increasing your presence on the Internet through improved rankings, more web traffic and leads, thus more sales and profits.


We handle all your SEO needs in several ways, making your company’s website rank higher and on the  initial search results page. We’re able to do this by using keywords that are relevant to your local area of service. We offer SEO landscaping services such as:

  • Optimizing your company’s Google+ listing.
  • Publishing web content suitable for your local area of service.
  • Optimizing your company’s site for search engines.
  • Building your name, phone number and address citations on the internet.
  • Fixing erroneous citations among other SEO services.

Our team of SEO experts are always updated about new developments in online marketing. We always adjust our strategies whenever there are new changes and updates in this ever-changing sector.


Why Choose Our SEO Plan for Landscapers?

  • Monthly contracts.
  • Flat rate packages.
  • Customized SEO strategies suitable for your local market and business needs.
  • Detailed monthly reports indicating the performance of your website.
  • Full access to the SEO software we use.
  • Case studies proving our claims.

At Hari Menon Digital, our content writers and SEO experts have extensive knowledge and experience in crafting effective SEO strategies suitable for landscapers. They also write informative and original web content that is friendly to search engines.

We also use accurate data in all our SEO approaches. At Hari Menon Digital, we have our own SEO software for analyzing thousands of contractor companies’ websites, including those of landscaping, plumbing and HVAC companies. As such, we have access to all levels of accurate data that our competitors can never come across.


Customized Search Engine Optimisation Strategies Suitable for Landscapers

We’ve served and maintained clients in Sydney and across other major cities in Australia. Hence, we fully understand that search habits and needs of prospective clients who search for landscapers may vary from on region to another.

While most SEO and digital marketing firms use template methods when offering SEO services, Hari Menon Digital starts from scratch by engaging every new customer with detailed information about their company. This makes us understand your service area, services and priorities.

Combined with our many years of experience in this industry and data from leading contractors, we are able to craft a custom and effective SEO strategy best suited for your landscaper business.

If you want to grow your landscaping business through SEO, contact us today on 1300 783 202 for more information and a free quote.